The Alexander City Outlook from Alexander City, Alabama (2024)

(Tit? Outlook Section 3 Section 3 Goodwater Locals Mrs. FITZ WIND ALL. TEmce 9-6670 Friendship MYF Group Visits Camp Sumatanga Saturday Sunny Level News MBS. jr. V.

CARLTON, Corresp. A good singing was enjoyed at the Fishpond Church Sunday with a big crowd attending. The Joy Makers Quartet, from Georgia, was featured, along with the quartet from Elmore County, and the beloved Duncan quartet. Will Lane resigned as chairman, due to ill health and Rayburn Holloway con- Tribute To County HD Work; By JUDGE C. J.

COLEY It is always our happy privilege to honor our good ladies of Tallapoosa County, reocgnizing your fine leadership during National hom*o Demonstration Week. May 4-10 is the time designated to call to our attention the many, many fine activities you perform in your community and in our county; so many, we will not attempt to enumerate. It has been said by many of our great leaders of this nation that when the American home is right, America will be right. I am sure that your Home Demonstration Club work comes more nearly fitting you to perform to your best ability in the home and in your community than, any organization you belong to. Our homes of Tallapoosa County are far better by having Home Demonstration Club work.

I am always impressed when I meet with you in your clubs and observe your fine leadership ability. Our hopes and prayers are that more and more of our good ladies will become members of our Home Demonstration Clubs. We hope you, too, are not satisfied with the accomplishments along this line. Satisfied people do not accomplish things. They do not find things to do.

Let us pledge ourselves to double our enrollment during the next year. We have so many frontiers as leaders to conquer that it becomes necessary that we continue to recruit. You have my very best wishes on this important occasion. New Site News LINDA WILSON Eevryone seems to have a good case of Spring fever these days, so maybe everyone is just tired from all the hard work at school. Only a few more days and school will be out, and we can all look up the ole swimming hole and other vacation spots.

The Commencement Sermon will be held Sunday May 18 at 11 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Rev. Daniels will deliver the address. Dr. Brakefield will deliver the graduating address Thursday night.

May 22 beginning at 8 oclock. The sixth grade class presented the school with enough paint to paint all blackboards in grammar school as gift to the school. The presentation was made by Claire Simpson, president of the sixth grade, to Mr. J. R.

Drake, principal. Homecoming will be held at Harmony Methodist Church Sunday May 11. Everyone is invited to come and bring a basket. A program has been arranged for the afternoon. Mr.

Burton and the high school band will present a band concert Saturday night. May 10 at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. The Banquet was held last Thursday night in the Home Economics department. This was planned, prepared and served by the Junior class.

Eighty-eight guests took part in the gala affair. Mrs. Louise Day was guest speaker. The Sr. I girls are very busy these last few days learning to care for the' sick.

They are taking the Red Cross home nursing course and are learning how to care for the sick in the home. The FFA boys have built three cement tables for the recreational center. Mrs. Denson Franklin of Gadsden and the Rev. and Mrs.

Denson Franklin, of Birmingham Southern' College visited Mrs. R. N. Franklin and Excelle and Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Pruett the past week. Miss Rebecca Broom and five of her classmates at Alabama College at Montevallo, were week end visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Broom, Joe and Robbie. Mr. and Mrs.

Mark Taliaferro and family of Birmingham spent a part of the past week end with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Penton. Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Sprayberry and son, Tommy, of Palm Harbor, arrived Friday for a week end visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Humphrey. Mr.

and Mrs. Zack Sprayberry, and children of Auburn were recent visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zack Sprayberry. Earl Sprayberry of Sylacauga visited his parents a short while Saturday.

Miss Emma Day Talmage and Miss Lynn Flanigan of Anniston were week end guests of Miss Gwen Rogers. Smith Blair of Florida has returned to his home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and Nancy and Mrs. Maud Barnett Mrs.

D. W. Plasse and daughter. Linda, of Alexander City visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Pruett, the past week. Mr. and Mrs.

Marvin Kcnner, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kenner and children and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Forrester and children, all of Birmingham, visited Mr.

and Mrs. W. F. Fulton and Mrs. John Fulton and children Sunday.

The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Whiddon of Athens, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eason and Carolyn on Thursday night.

Misses Mary Ann Eason, Shirley McLeod spent the week end at home. They are going to Massey Business College in Montgomery. They are staying with Mary Ann's aunt, Mrs. Ozella Carter of Montgomery. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Ray of Enterprise, visited Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Watson one day last week. Mrs. O.

P. Ray and Mrs. Thyra Champion were in Montgomery on Thursday. Mrs. Ray Went down to see a especialist.

She continues ill. Mr. and Mrs. M. A.

Champion are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Champion.

Mrs. Champion is ill. Several from this community enjoyed the play at Hackneyville on Friday night The Rev. Bruce Nicholas filled his regular appointment here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr.

and Mrs. Loys Holman visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nolen at New Site Sunday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. T. T. McClellan of Harbor City, Calif, visited her dad, T. H.

Milam and other relatives here last week. Mrs. Lonnie Eason accompanied them home. She had been under the care of a doctor in California for several weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. C. M. Lynch visited M. F.

Sims on Sunday afternoon, who is a patient in George H. Lanier Memorial Hospital at Lang-dale. Mr. and Mrs. G.

L. Kerlin, Harold and Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carlton spent Sunday with Mrs. L.

T. Basemore of Hurtsboro. Mrs. Corinne Champion, Mrs. Thyra Champion spent Friday with Mrs.

Irene Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whaley visited Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Whaley a while on Sunday. sented to accept the chairmanship. We congratulate him. Leonard Champion will continue as co-chairman. We thank Willie Hollo-way for making new tables for use at this church.

A delegation from the Friendship Church attended a meeting at Goodwater Monday night and heard a plan presented by Dr. Nelson Guthrie, for the erection of a home for the aged "Fair Havens," to be build in Birmingham. The official Board of the Friendship Church met at the church on Wednesday evening. The Rev. G.

M. Hearin, pastor, and Mrs. Austin Holley, counsellor, carried a group of young people from the Friendship Church to Camp Sumatunga for the day Saturday. They carried a picnic lunch and had a fine time at this church camp. Others going were Janet Baker, Carol Sellers, Bobby Bridg-man, Roger Dale Lashley, Jerry Holman, Alvin Tate and Wyndal Earl Adams.

Mrs. Gary Hearin and baby son spent Saturday with Mrs. Ralph Gandy. Mrs. W.

O. Johnson returned home from Russell Hospital on Tuesday of last week and is doing fine. Her son. Jack Johnson, of Birmingham, spent the week end with her. Mrs.

Porter Tidwell of Holtvillc, and Misses Vernelle Stokes and Allene Townsend of Tallassee, visited the Townsends the past week end. Mrs. J. M. Sellers and Carol, Wyndal Adams and Roger Lashley attended the 4-H Club Rally at Goodwater last Friday night.

Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Meadows, Montgomery, Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Adco*ck, Waverly, Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Holley of Jemison and Mrs. Ida Reid, of Eclectic, were among the ones stopping in to see Mr. and Mrs. E. E.

Johnson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arnold and Joe, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred McCain and Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Holley visited Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Holley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Meatlows, A Your Opportunity To Own YOUR OWN STORE Become one of the more than 3500 owners of profitable Western Auto Associate Stores, retailing famous, nationally advertised brands of auto supplies, radios and TV, sporting goods, home appliances, etc.

Cood locations available. No experience needed. We train you in successful, tested and approved merchandise methods. Minimum cash investment needed, $7500.00. See, write or phone us for complete information.


W. Niblctt Home Place OF 124 ACRES NEAR KELLYTON, ALA. At public outcry at court house door at Rockford, on May 12, 1958, at 12 noon, under the order of Probate Court of Coosa County. For further infornlation, see ROBERT J. TEEL ATTORNEY, AT ROCKFORD week end with Mrs.

Queen Hollo-way and the Melvin Holloway family, and attended the May Singing. Sorry to report Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Holloway on the sick list. We hope they both will be better real soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Brown were week end guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Key, Deborah and Pamelea at Tallapoosa, Ga. Debarah and Pamelea returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. George Yates of Bartles-ville, is the guest of Mrs. Annie M.

Eppes and family. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. It." D. Rozelle were Mr.

and Mrs. Billy Crawford of Edison, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rozelle of Birmingham. Mr.

and Mrs. Ford Robinson spent Tuesday in Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs! James Leon (Buddy) Rodgers and son, James Leon, of Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs.

James (Knot) O'Neil and children of Montevallo were week end visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Leon Rogers and NoelL Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Alan Tobert of Society Hill were guests Thursday night and Friday of Mrs. E. H. Thomas and Gilmer. Mr.

and Mrs. Stephen Crew of Birmingham visited his sister, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, and Mr.

Stewart Saturday and Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.

Pruett attended the Pruett reunion at Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Clay County Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R.

D. Rozelle returned Friday from New Orleans, where they visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Falito, and their granddaughter, Bonnie Falito, who is a patient in Oshcmer Clinic in New Orleans. Bonnie is convalescing from rheumatic fever.

Mrs. H. Leon Rogers and son, Noell, attended the Metropolitan Opera in Birmingham Monday night. Mr. Edgar Watts and Mr.

Fred Watts of Alexander City visited Mrs. Pitt Moon and Mrs. Annie Howie Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

H. B. Runyan, Susan, Bob and Rockie of York were week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.

R. Runyan. Mr. and Mrs. W.

K. Howard and Mrs. Katherine Quarles visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musselman and Mary Margaret at Opelika Sunday.

Miss Odell Carmichael of Montgomery visited Miss Annie and Miss Katherin Carmichael the past week. Dr. and Mrs. A. P.

McClendon visited their children, the Whit-mires, of Leeds and the Burnetts of Birmingham over the week end. Mrs. Lilla J. Pagett returned Friday from several months stay with Mrs. Mary F.

Babb at Alexander City. Those attending District Guild meeting at Sylacauga's Oak Grove Methodist Church the past week were Mrs. Betty West, Mrs. Willie Pearl Selman, Miss Alene Hawkins, Miss Dot Wall, Mis Rebecca Chapman and Miss Excelle Franklin. Mrs.

Frank Nolen of Montgomery and Mrs. Beatrice Smith Fol-som of Rockford recently visited Mrs. M. R. Kirkpatrick and Miss Mary McDiarmid.

Mrs. R. N. Weldon and Mrs. M.

Taylor of Columbus, and Mrs. Eva Edwards of Birmingham visited Mrs. Lilla J. Padgett Friday. Dr.

and Mrs. Jack London and children' of Montgomery visited Mr. and Mrs. B. W.

Swindall and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Chapman and family and Miss Rebecca Chapman over the week end. Mrs. Maud Burnett has returned from a visit with her son and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Wilkes Burnett, and children at Rome, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Stewart and daughters, Claire and Marsha, are on a vacation trip to Florida this week.

Mrs. W. R. Sims and daughters, of Eirmingham, spent the past 4 Hi THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MONDAY Mom is sure to appreciate your thoughtful-ness when you choose her flowers here. We have all her favorites fresh, beautiful blooms for lovely bouquets and corsages and a large selection of attractive potted plants.

POTTED PLANTS 69 (mm it 95c up $2.50 up $2.00 up $3.00 up African Violets Caladiums Ceraniums Mums Hydrangeas Mixed Boxes $2.00 up $5.00 up Beautiful Cut Flowers Roses doz. $5.00 up Carnations doz. up Glads doz. $3.00 $6.00 Large Mums doz. $5.00 $6.00 Iris doz.


Richard R. Payne $2.00 up $3.00 up $2.50 up $3.50 up and family of Sylacauga visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Shelton and family Sunday. Bring This Chart With You When You Come In! Buy Anything You Need At Our Low Prices! Tell The Credit Man These Are The Terms You Want! Absolutely No Money Down! You Pay Monthly Only Amount Shown! If You Wish To Make A Down Payment, Terms Can Be Made Even Lower! Living Room Suites From $128 To $398! Bedroom Suites From $98 To $398! All Style Dinettes From $49 To $349! Assorted Chairs From $9 To $99 Assorted Tables From $6 To $46! Assorted Lamps From $6 To $46! Assorted Lamps From $5 To $50! Innerspring Mattresses From $.19 To $79! 9x12 Soft Rugs From $15 To $150! Sofa Beds From $19 To $259! Down Payment! Monthly Amount You Can Buy! Payment HONE S5.00 $100 Worth H011E S7.59 $150 Worth NONE S10.00 S2Q9 Worth HOHE S12.50 S250 Worth NONE 815.00 S30Q Worth H011E $17.50 S350 Worth HONE $20.00 $400 Worth HOtlE $25.001 $500 Worth Yti MEMBER FTD WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Flint Hill Methodist Observe Family Week The observance of National Family Week, May 4-11, by the members of the congregation of the Flint Hill Methodist Church will be climaxed on Sunday morning when the youth of the church have charge of the morning worship service. Jerry Reynolds, president of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, will be in charge of the service. Re-bacca Crockett will be at the organ. Eddy Scott will sing the Offertory solo.

The Youth choir will sing. Six of the youth will act as ushers. Jerry Abbett will bring the morning message. Mr. and Mrs.

Odell Truett are the adult counselors for the youth of the Flint Hill church. BISHOP FLORAL CO. AD 4-3424 CHEROKEE ROAD WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IN ALABAMA 125 BROAD ST. i TELEPHONE AD 4-3473 BISHOP'S FLOWERS GIFTS Wire Flowers Early AD 4-5074 108 SOUTH MAIN ST..

The Alexander City Outlook from Alexander City, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.