Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (2024)

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (1)

  1. Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide List
  2. Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide Download
  3. Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide Ragnarok

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (2)

  1. Mount and Blade Character Set-Up. Mount And Blade Viking Conquest Story Guide Download; When you begin a new game of Mount and Blade your first task is to set up your character. You are offered a series of choices which will determine your starting stats, your possessions and your wealth. You can choose to be a male or female character.
  2. Marriage is not a crucial mechanic in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord but if you want to have children and want your partner to reign alongside you, you will need to get married in the game.

Marriage is not a crucial mechanic in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord but if you want to have children and want your partner to reign alongside you, you will need to get married in the game. This Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Marriage Guide will guide you on everything that you need to know about finding a partner, getting married and then finally having children in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.

Mount And Blade Followers; A simple and easy to follow guide. Other Mount & Blade: Warband Guides: Cheats. Basic and Improved Infantry Melee. Prophesy of Pendor Guide. Guide to Soloing. Kingdom of Nords Guide. Starting Options As soon as you launch the game, the main menu presents you with several options. These are: New Game: Starts a brand. In Mount and Blade: Warband, marriage is the simple concept of joining as one with an NPC for gain of love, land, respect, or booty. As a male character, available partners are all the unmarried sisters and daughters of all the nobles, or as a woman, all the unmarried noble ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Marriage Guide – Mount & Blade II Bannerlord

Our Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Marriage Guide details everything that you need to know about getting married and having children in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.

How to Get Married in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord

Before you start with everything, you must know that this is a three-phase task and the first two phases are actually really annoying. The third one could be difficult as well unless you are financially stable. So to begin with finding yourself a partner, head to a large town or Castle, where you can get access to a Lords room. Once you go there, request to have a conversation with someone to open a list of potential candidates.

Depending on your preferences, you can find and pick a potential partner from the open screen in front of you. Make sure their marital status is ‘Unmarried’. You cannot marry someone who is already married. To check their marital status, you will need to open that man/woman’s encyclopedia and check their Family section. Once you have made your decision about your future wife or husband, the second phase begins.

Once you have selected the partner, you must speak with them and choose the option ‘My lad, I wish to profess myself your most ardent admirer’ and offer your hand in marriage. Your partner would like to spend some time with you before they give you a final word. Fair enough. Complete the conversation, go outside and save the game. You will understand a little later why this save is crucial for your marriage.

After saving the game, go back inside and speak with the chosen partner again. This time around choose the dialogue option ‘So, I’m glad to have the chance to spend some time together’. This will start a mini-game where you will need to impress your potential partner with your dialogue before they agree to marry you. When this happens, always pick the dialogue with the highest % of the yellow arrow on the right side of the dialogue. Avoid picking options that have red crosses over them.

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (3)

If you fail during this phase, simply reload the game and try again. This is why that particular save is crucial for your marriage because you will fail a few times here before your partner finally agrees to marry you. Once this is over, head back outside and save the gain again. Before going to them again, you have to pass at least 3 days in the game. After 3 days, go back and speak with the partner again to initiate yet another similar mini-game. Once done, you are all set to meet your in-laws and barter for your partner.

This begins the final phase of the process where you have to find the in-laws and barter with them to finally be married to your dream partner. To get to know about your in-laws, ask your partner about their family and then look for the name which appears in Blue. Once it does, click on it and it will open an Encyclopedia. Check the upper right section to find their last seen location. You need to head to this location to track them now. The tracking part is all up to you and could be really easy or tough depending on your luck.

Once you have finally managed to find them, simply speak with them and choose the option ‘I wish to discuss the final terms of my marriage with (partner’s name)’. This will trigger the bartering screen and you will need to ensure that the gift icon turns green. Keep adding items or money to this section and once it turns green, you will be all set to marry your dream partner. Pay them up and next thing you know; you are now married. Once this is done, head back to your partner, click on their character portrait and add them to your party and they will travel with you as a companion.

How to Have Children in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord

Now that you have found yourself a partner, it is time to have some children in the game. Having children is really easy in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord. As a matter of fact, you do not even have to do anything. Simply add your partner to your party and continue living your normal life in the game. You can complete quests, kill people, trade goods or run businesses. I guess all the action takes place during these events because, after a little time, you get the notification that your partner (or yourself in case you are a female) is expecting a baby. After that, the child will be born after some time.

That is all that you need to know about marriage in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord. Make sure to check out more guides below if you need more help with the game.

This concludes our Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Marriage Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (4)

Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Best Wifes

Stats of all the Single Ladies in the game, for you to decide whos the best Wife.

Intro to Marriage

Once you’ve built a small warband, you’ll want to take advantage of marriage. Wives with good stats can lead clan parties, govern castles and settlements, lead caravans, be companions in your party, and provide children (this feature seems to be incomplete and useless). Getting married is rather simple.

Other Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Guides:

First, pick an eligible lady and use the encyclopedia (‘N’ Key on world map) to find her. Before talking to her make sure to save (in case you fail the charm mini-game) When you talk to her choose the option to profess yourself her Admirer, this will lead to a charm mini-game. To win just pick the options with the highest success rates. If you fail just reload the previous save and try again. If you succeed you need to leave and wait at least two days before returning.

When you return you’ll need to do another charm mini-game (make sure to save). When you succeed you’ll have to get permission from her father, or other notable clan members. To finish this part you’ll have to find the father (use the encyclopedia). When you talk to him you’ll enter a barter where you have to pay to finish the marriage, cost is generally about 5k. Once you finish the barter your new wife will join your clan, but you’ll have to pick her up first, she’ll probably come equipped with VERY high tier armour and weapons.

Note: Weddings don’t yet seem to be in the game.

Picking a Wife

Who you chose as your wife depends on what you want your wife to do. If your planning on giving her a party you should look for high tactics and combat skills, like Liena. If you want to make her governor, steward seems to be the only trait that matters, someone like Sora. If you want another fighter in your party look at combat skills, like Siga.

Stats for all the Single Ladies

Cross Bow120000
Cross Bow10000
Cross Bow0000
Cross Bow8012000

Stats for all the Single Ladies Part #2

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide List

Cross Bow09000

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide (5)

Cross Bow12001200
Cross Bow800

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide Download

It’s end. I hope “Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Best Wifes: Stats for Single Ladies” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us.

Mount And Blade Warband Female Marriage Guide Ragnarok

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