Modul Bahan Ajar SHORT FUNCTIONAL · Modul Bahan Ajar SHORT FUNCTIONAL READING Emy Sudarwati, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Modul Bahan Ajar SHORT FUNCTIONAL· Modul Bahan Ajar SHORT FUNCTIONAL READING Emy Sudarwati, - [PDF Document] (1)




Modul Bahan Ajar


Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd

Nurul Laili Nadhifah, M.Hum

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This student handbook is designed for the students of the Study Program of

English, Department of Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Cultural Studies,

University of Brawijaya, who are taking Short Functional Reading and Vocabulary

acources. Short Functional Reading and Vocabulary covers three reading

components namely language, content, and rhetorical structure. After completing

this course, it is expected that the students are able to comprehend short functional

English texts in various forms by utilizing appropriate reading strategies. Hence,

this handbook presents some reading strategies and its related exercises in

understanding texts of various topics.

This handbook comprises six (6) units. It is expected that there will be

further improvement on the quality of this module. Therefore, criticisms and

suggestions for better editions are highly appreciated.

Short Functional Reading Team

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Table of Contents


Preface ................................................................................. i

Table of Contents .................................................................... ii UNIT 1 Scan the brochures ........................................................ 1

Warming up Activities…………………………………………………………………………. Theoretical Frameworks…………………………………………………………………… Practice………………………………………………….

Extended Practice UNIT 2 Skimming the ad............................................................. 9

Warming up Activities Theoretical Frameworks Practice

Extended Practice UNIT 3 Who has died................................................................. 17

Warming up Activities Theoretical Frameworks Practice

Extended Practice UNIT 4 Have you got .................................................................. 22

Warming up Activities Theoretical Frameworks Practice

Extended Practice UNIT 5 What are those public notes about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7

Warming up Activities Theoretical Frameworks

Practice Extended Practice UNIT 6 I s t h e r e a n y l e t t e r f o r me ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6

Warming up Activities Theoretical Frameworks

Practice Extended Practice

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SCAN THE BROCHURES Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd.

Nurul Laili, M.Hum


After finishing this unit, students will be able to: 1. scan for details in a text.

2. use dictionary to support their comprehension on a text.

Look at the following brochure and discuss the following questions with a

friend next to you. You can share your opinion and experience to support the answer.

1. What do you know about a brochure? 2. What information can you get after reading this brochure?

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A. Read the brochure on the previous page and answer the questions follow

1. Have you ever been at a camp? For what purpose? 2. Do you know the meaning of devasted in line 4? How do you


3. What does the word blow in line 7 mean? How do you know?

B. Read the brochure and answer true (T) orfalse (F). Example: Only rich people go to camp Kesem. (F)

1. Jordan loves her father very much. 2. Jordan gets a good experience from camp Kesem.

3. Jordan is able to get back from her grief. 4. Jordan’s mother sent her daugher to camp Kesem for a cure. 5. Everyone can only be a participant at camp Kesem.

I. Definition of a Brochure A brochure or pamphlet is a leaflet advertisem*nt. Brochures may

advertise locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc. They are usually succinct in language and eye-catching in design, and usually using a headline (hidaeliska, 2010).

Generally, a brochure is one of the most effective promotional tools that ever happened in marketing. Brochure printing is considered an

effective marketing tool because it helps you convey your message in a competent, trustworthy way, and with authority. Which of course, are

characteristics that your prospects would expect from a well thought of and carefully planned marketing campaign.

Potential clients look for expertise and a sense of authority when

they look at your marketing collateral. A color brochure printing material that has the confidence to express your company's capabilities can

influence many clients. A brochure therefore has the capacity to help you convey a positive

image to your readers. In fact, a well thought of brochure printing can

instill confidence because it says that you spent money, time and effort to have it produced. And this helps your readers perceive you as

someone that is serious about his business. However, not all brochure printing is created equal. Some succeed

in convincing readers to become buyers; and still some just do not make

the cut. A color brochure printing that works hard to get you the returns you expect have 5 characteristics:

II. Characteristics of a Brochure

a. Compelling Message

The right message will work on the right target. In other words, if you want to make your message work, you have to send it to

the right people. Hence, you need to know, study, and understand


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your target clients to zero on what message would attract their attention.

Your color brochure printing works on one premise that you have a compelling message to tell your target clients. Without your message, you do not have anything that your brochure can stand on.

If you have a message that works, then you will see that you do not even have to use other strategies to get clients. They will surely come

to you.

b. Valuable Content

Your content is what makes your readers spend time to get acquainted with what you have to offer. Often, your readers will be

attracted with your design and images, but it is your content that would help them make a decision in your favor.

Valuable content basically has the answers to particular issues

and questions that your readers could possibly have in their minds. It has one theme, that is, the answer to ?what is in it for me?

c. Attractive Design

Design is one of the elements that gets your readers attention.

It is one of the things in your print brochure that would make them want to stop and look at what you have to offer. From the texture of

the paper to the most suitable fold in your layout, to all the elements that work together to emphasize your identity and brand? all of these work to create a harmonious design that reflects what your company

can do to help your target clients.

d. Graphic Images Is there any kind of brochure which does not have pictures and

graphics in its pages? The beauty of having a color brochure is that you can provide a great deal of information plus images that you cannot do with say, flyers or a postcard. With pictures, you can

definitely have something that is worth a thousand words, without even having to sweat on too much heavy text.

e. Unique and Distinct The ultimate challenge for every brochure printing is to create

something unique and distinct from the rest of the competition. It doesn't matter if you have a very compelling and valuable message to

convey, if your target readers do not see you from all the marketing paraphernalia they have in front of them, then you have nothing.

The point here is what makes your marketing campaign

worthwhile. All the time, money and effort you have put in would make

all the difference if your readers can actually see you stand out even with so many marketing campaigns vying for their attention (Davis, )

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Direction: Scan the travel brochure below and find the answers to the following questions as quickly as you can.

Southeast Asian Travel

Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing travel destinations. The area offers everything from beautiful tropical islands and pristine

beaches to thick jungles, diverse cultures, cuisines, and people. Southeast Asia has some of the best national parks and reserves in the

world, an abundance of fascinating World Heritage sites, a variety of spiritual places to visit that represent the religions of the region like Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, and it has a huge supply of

beaches and associated activities. Some of the many exciting Southeast Asian highlights include:

Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia. This lush park is located on Malaysia’s east coast.

The variety of plants and wildlife are amazing and the scenery includes lazy, winding

rivers and roaring waterfalls.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, means “City Temple”, and is a complex of ancient temples that is considered the most important architectural site in

Southeast Asia. It was built in the 12th century to honor Vishnu, the Hindu god.

Bali, Indonesia Land of the Buddha! Kuta, Ubud, Amed, and

Sanur are all worth visiting. For the best surfing and nightlife, head over to Kuta beach. For

relaxation, head up to Ubud, or even Amed if you’re really looking for peace and quiet.

Halong Bay, Vietnam Halong Bay is one of the

world’s natural wonders made up of at least 3000 islands in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam. This is a World Heritage site that offers

breathtaking views, many caves worth exploring, and hiking in Cat Ba National Park.

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The Philippines

In the Philippines you’ll find beautiful white beaches like Boracay, which is on the list of the world’s best beaches. But there is more to the

Philippines than just the beaches. The scenery also includes breathtaking waterfalls and miles

of rice terraces. Source:


1) Where is Taman Negara National Park? 2) What does “Angkor Wat” mean? 3) Where is Halong Bay?

4) Which beach in the Philippines is on the list of the world’s best beaches?

5) Which beach in Bali is famous for surfing and nightlife? 6) When was Angkor Wat built? 7) How many islands are there at Halong Bay?

8) Which two beaches in Bali do tourists go to for relaxation? 9) For what purpose was Angkor Wat built?

10) Which activity can you enjoy at Cat Ba National Park? Practice 2

Direction: Read the brochure below about the College Career Center.

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Direction: Read the following sentences about the College Career Center. Choose True or False for each sentence.


The Career Center is looking for new employees.

a. True

b. False


People have job interviews at the College Career Center.

a. True

b. False


The location of a job is important to think about.

a. True

b. False


Traveling for work is important to think about when choosing a


a. True

b. False


People don't like to work alone.

a. True

b. False


People should think about their skills and favorite activities when they

choose a career.

a. True

b. False


According to the brochure, a student's favorite subjects are important

to think about.

a. True

b. False


People usually change jobs during their careers.

a. True

b. False


The Career Center has videos in their office.

a. True

b. False


People can call the Career Center on the telephone.

a. True

b. False

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Practice 3

Look at the online brochure of UB Hotel and answer the questions follow.


a. Where is UB Hotel located? b. How far is UB Hotel from Bundaran Tugu?

c. What are the facilities of UB Hotel? d. Can a guest access internet in UB Hotel?

e. What kinds of food served at UB Hotel?

Practice 3

Look at the online brochure of UB Hotel and answer the questions follow.

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Questions: a.What can people buy at INACRAFT 2011?

b.Can people buy batik at INACRAFT 2011? c.How long will INACRAFT be in 2014?

Make a brochure of a college festival. Pay attention to some requirements

that a good brochure should have.

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UNIT 2 SKIMMING THE ADS Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd. Nurul Laili, M.Hum


After finishing this unit, students will be able to:

Identify the definition of advertisem*nt. Understand general information by skimming a text.

Answer these questions based on your experience and opinion!

1. What kind of advertisem*nt from your childhood do you still

remember until now? 2. What kind of advertisem*nt on television do you like the most?

3. Do you enjoy watching advertisem*nt on television? 4. What do you think about advertisem*nt nowadays? 5. When you see a polar bear in the zoo, what kind of product will you

remember because of it?

I. What is an Advertisem*nt?

Nowadays, advertisem*nt presents through many kinds of media, such as television, newspaper, magazine, poster, radio, internet, and

many others. In fact, we are surrounded by many forms of advertisem*nt right now. Even when you do not really pay any attention toward those

advertisem*nts, they still can affect you. For example, you will still unconsciously remember about a certain snack every time you see an orange cheetah when you visit a zoo.

So, what is an advertisem*nt actually? Advertisem*nt is a kind of message paid for by those who send it, intended to inform or influence

people who receive it. It is a mean of communication between the company and the consumers of the product. Nevertheless, advertisem*nt

is mostly designed to build a persuasive image rather than to give information.

As stated above, advertisem*nt is not different from other forms of

persuasive writing. It has a subject, a main argument, and supporting


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details. However, advertisem*nt also uses pictures or sounds to convince the readers since it only has limited space. Which means, rather than

giving detailed information through a lot of sentences, advertisem*nt tries to deliver a powerful message using few words and an image instead.

II. The Techniques of Advertising

Here are the most common techniques used by the advertising writers to deliver their persuasive arguments. By learning this, you are

supposed to be aware of hidden meanings behind persuasive words brought by advertisem*nts. You may be able to analyze whether the

opinions and evidences built by persuasive arguments in advertisem*nts are logical or not, or whether they are too good to be true or not. Try to find out how they say things and what kind of effect the advertisem*nt is

purposed to cause to the readers. 1. Bandwagon

Some advertisem*nts show that a lot of people already use the products, and they suggest you to join the trend so you will not be left out.

2. Ethics By showing you the positive effects caused by you buying this

product, this kind of advertisem*nt usually tries to attract your empathy or your sense of right and wrong.

3. Fantasy

This type of advertising usually shows you something you want to be, which indirectly suggests you that you may reach it as long as

you use the product. 4. Fear

These advertisem*nts usually show you the urgent to act as fast as possible –by buying the product—before something happens –which means the supplies run out.

5. Humor Sometimes humor or jokes are used to advertise some products,

although the humor itself has nothing to do with the product that the company sells. A good humor will make people remember it well.

6. Nostalgia This kind of advertisem*nt is for the older ones. This advertisem*nt

usually shows a simple and old-fashioned thing. 7. Sense appeal

It is usually a kind of advertisem*nts for restaurants, perfumes, or

other products which affect your senses. 8. Snob appeal

Since it is human nature to feel good when he or she feels special, this kind of advertisem*nt shows that it knows better what is the perfect thing for you. Contrary with Bandwagon technique, this

method of advertising suggests you to choose something unique and special since it is better than the usual ones.

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9. Statistics This technique of advertising uses several numbers of studies done

to the product since people are easily impressed by statistics although the data themselves are not always true.

10. Testimonial

Famous people like celebrities or experts are usually hired for this purpose, since people mostly listen to their advices.

III. Types of advertising:

Commercial Advertising Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings,

billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television ads, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop

benches, magazines, newspapers, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an "identified" sponsor

pays to deliver their message through a medium is commercial advertising.

Covert Advertising Covert advertising is when a product or brand is embedded in

entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise's character John Anderton owns

a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo.

a. The Characteristics of Advertisem*nt :

1. Strategically sound 2. Have an original creative concept 3. Use exactly the right execution for the message

b. Function of advertisem*nt :

1. Promotion 2. Communication 3. Information

c. Kinds of Advertisem*nt:

1. Family Advertisem*nt 2. Invitation Advertisem*nt 3. Sponsored Advertisem*nt about how to do things casually for

the sake of maintaining conversation 4. Requested Advertisem*nt

5. News Advertisem*nt 6. Announcement Advertisem*nt 7. Goods Advertisem*nt

8. Merit Advertisem*nt

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IV. Skim an Advertisem*nt

Another reading strategies that a reader need to have is

skimming. Skimming is another high-speed reading

technique that can save you time and help you get through a text quickly. You skim to get the general sense of a passage,

not specific details. When you skim, you should not read the whole text. Your eyes should move very quickly over the lines and you should read only the parts of the text that will help you answer the


1. 2.

Answer these questions based on the pictures above!

1. What is the first advertisem*nt about? 2. What is the second advertisem*nt about?

3. What are the subjects of those two ads? 4. What are the the main arguments of the advertiements above 5. What are the supporting details of the advertisem*nts above?

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The 19th Annual Book Fair

Answer these questions based on the picture 1. What is the advertisem*nt mainly about?

2. Mention two benefits that you may gain from buying books at 19th Annual Book Fair!

3. What will you find when you come to the 19th Annual Book Fair after having breakfast on Sunday, November 20, at 10 am?

4. When you find that the advertisem*nt above is not clear enough for

you, what should you do? 5. What kind of advertising technique is used in this advertisem*nt? Why

do you think so?

Instruction: look at the following ad and answer the questions


Questions 1-2 refer to the following advertisem*nt: Let Espresso Wash do your laundry fast!

Now you can stop worrying about your laundry! Leave it to

Espresso Wash! Just bring in your laundry and we’ll do all the rest. At Espresso Wash, we do all the washing and the ironing. No need to wait at all! Within 24 hours, we’ll deliver your washed and ironed clothes.

What’s more, you can avail yourself of our 5th anniversary promo. You’ll get a 10% discount for every 5 kilos of your laundry, and 25% discount

for every 10 kilos. This promo lasts only until December 30, so hurry! Visit us with your laundry today!

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1. What service is not included? (A) Delivery.

(B) Pick-up. (C) Washing.

(D) Ironing. 2. How much is the discount for laundry weighing 10 kilos?

(A) 10% (B) 15%

(C) 24% (D) 25%

Questions 3-5 refer to the following advertisem*nt:

PV Marketing, Chicago’s leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art photographic equipment and supplies, is looking for a qualified professional for the following position:



Assist in conceptualizing marketing campaigns

Provide inputs to the company’s marketing plans, programs, and activities

Monitor the marketing performance of the company’s products in its various markets and outlets.


Must have excellent marketing and communication skills

Must have a college degree in Business, Economics, or Marketing Management

Must have at least three years’ work experience in a comparable marketing organization

Must be forward-looking and innovative

We offer competitive salary, bonuses, incentives, car plan, and health

insurance. Applicants may submit their résumé with ID photo to:

APV Marketing Corp. Personnel Department

Room 504 Alpha Towers 11th Street, Chicago, IL 60446

3. What is the business of APV Marketing Corp? (A) Publishing.

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(B) Banking. (C) Manufacturing.

(D) Shipping.

4. What is not a requirement of the position?

(A) Residence in Chicago. (B) Good communication skills.

(C) A Business degree. D) Experience in marketing.

5. At least how many years of work experience is required? (A) One year.

(B) Two years. (C) Three years.

(D) Four years. Questions 6-7 refer to the following document:


348 Full Circle Building, 2009 Main Avenue, Houston, TX

October 6, 2009

From : Peter Gould

Editor in Chief To : Lorna Neeson Chief Copyeditor

Subject : Book review from Italian correspondent for editing

Here is the book review done by Mr. Svevo, our correspondent in Rome. The manuscript needs a complete rewrite. It is not very well organized and the grammar is problematic. Ms. Ardrey, our new

associate editor, said she had found major errors of fact. Please give me the rewritten manuscript by 5:00 p.m. today. Thanks!

Peter Gould

6. What does the editor in chief want?

(A) To have material totally redone. (B) To have some facts checked.

(C) To have some details explained. (D) To have material replaced.

7. Who was asked to do the work? (A) Mr. Svevo.

(B) Peter Gould. (C) Ms. Ardrey. (D) Lorna Neeson.

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Questions 8-10 refer to the following advertisem*nt: The new Futura 320 Laser Printer is here! It has a high-speed

processor for quick processing of documents with complex visuals. It delivers 30 clear, crisp copies per minute. It is compatible with both Windows and Apple operating systems. It comes with a 700-sheet paper

tray, and can take three more trays for a maximum paper capacity of 2,300 sheets for much faster paper reloading. The new Futura 320 Laser

Printer—for speedy, high-quality printing you can always trust! 8. What does the advertisem*nt emphasize?

(A) The availability. (B) The size.

(C) The cost. (D) The speed.

9. Up to how many sheets of paper can the printer tray hold? (A) Approximately 700.

(B) Less than 320. (C) At most 2,300. (D) More than 2,300.

10. Which of the following printing jobs would best use the machine’s

capabilities? (A) A book containing text entirely. (B) A company’s financial statement.

(C) Handwritten letters for reproduction. (D) A stack of paperwork with heavy visuals.

Homework :

You are a company owner who is going to promote your new

product. Create your own advertisem*nt as interesting as you can! Do not forget about these aspects: a. What kind of product you are going to promote

b. Who your consumers are c. How you promote your product

d. Why you apply certain technique of advertising


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Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd.

Nurul Laili, M.Hum

OBJECTIVES After finishing this unit, students will be able to:

Identify the definition of orbituary Identify the function of orbituary

Discuss the following questions with a friend next to you. You can share

your opinion and experience to support the answer. 1. Have you ever read an orbituary 2. Is it important to have an orbituary on someone’s death?

I. Definition of an Obituary Obituary is a notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically

including a brief biography of the deceased person. Writing an obituary is a way to honor your loved one's life as well

as to announce their death. It can be a painful process, but it's a way to

celebrate your loved one's passions, achievements, and surviving family members. A typical obituary has five parts: the announcement of the

death, biographical information, survivor information, scheduled ceremonies, and contributions. Losing a loved one is never easy, but writing an obituary can be easy if you follow these steps.

II. Structure of an obituary

NAME, AGE, of RESIDENCE, died (passed away, went to heaven, etc.), DATE (cause of death optional).

HE/SHE was born (PLACE, DATE OF BIRTH, PARENTS). NAME graduated from SCHOOL and received DEGREE fromSCHOOL. HE/SHE was married


history, accomplishments, organizations, activities, etc.

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HE/SHE was survived by CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, ETC. (Make sure to separate each entry with a semicolon or it can get messy. See the

example below.) Funeral arrangements will be held TIME, DATE and PLACE.

Here's a sample obituary

Mary Jane Smith, 88, of Miami, died Wednesday. She was born to the late Donald and Rita Green, Nov. 11, 1919, in

Savannah, Ga. Mary graduated from Memorial High School in 1938 and received a BA in English from the University of Georgia in 1942. She

married the late John Smith in 1943, and they lived together in Athens, Ga., before relocating to Miami in 1960.

Mary was a high school English teacher until she retired in 1984 and was passionate about making a difference in the lives of her students. She

founded the Miami Reads program for underprivileged children in 1968 and was honored with the Dade County Teacher of the Year award in 1966 and 1970.

Mary was an active member of First Baptist Miami Church, Miami Rotary

Club and the Dade County Book Club. She loved to travel, and took 20 cruise trips with her husband in her lifetime.

Mary is survived by four children: Jane Doe and Samantha Andrews, of Ft. Lauderdale; Jennifer Brown, of New York City; and Mike Smith, of

Miami. She also is survived by eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting that donations be made out to Miami Reads.

A viewing will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at Green Family Funeral Home.

Burial will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Oakland Cemetery.

III. Kinds of Obituary

There are some reasons why a person writes an orbituary on one’s

death. The following are some examples of Obituary for specific purposes.

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a. An obituary asking for Donations

White, Joyce Karen Joyce Karen White, 67, of Dayton, OH. passed away at the Miami Valley Hospital on April 30th, 2013. She was preceded in death by her parents,

David and Ruth White, and is survived by her daughter Leslie Ann Owens, brother Jacob White, and niece Ruby. White was an active member of her

community, participating in the Special Wish Foundation, Ovarian Cancer Alliance, Hospice of Dayton, and battered women outreach. Her enormous personality, wealth of selflessness and friendly smile will be

sorely missed by all of her volunteer colleagues, as well as her family. A viewing will be held at the Westbrock Funeral Home, 1712 Wayne Ave at

5pm on Wednesday. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Miami Valley Women’s Shelter.

b. An obituary for younger person

Green, Margaret Elizabeth Margaret Elizabeth Green, 32, of Chicago, IL, passed away Sunday, April

28th after a fatal car accident. She was born in Chicago, IL on October 21st 1980 to Michael and Susan Jones. Margaret graduated from Lincoln

Way High School and went on to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of Chicago. She was married to Jason Green on May 15th, 2009. Margaret took pride in working as an administrative coordinator at

The Art Institute of Chicago, and in her spare time painted and doted on her dog Pickles. She loved to jog along the lakefront in the mornings and

was training for her first marathon. Margaret is survived by her brother Nathan Jones, her nieces Claire and Marissa Jones, her parents Susan

and Michael, and her loving husband Jason. Her wonderful spirit, joy, and talents will be celebrated at an 11 am Mass service at St. Anne’s Cathedral on N. Halsted St. The burial will be at 3 pm at Graceland


c. An obituary for older person

MacReady, John Irving John Irving MacReady, 92, of Shreveport LA. died April 30th 2013.

“Johnny” MacReady, son of Irving and Dorothy MacReady, loving husband of Irene Smith MacReady, passed away on April 30th at his home in Shreveport, LA after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife

Irene, and two sons Abraham and Joshua. He is also survived by six grandchildren and three great grandchildren, all living in the Shreveport

area. MacReady worked as an auto mechanic until his retirement in 1983, bringing his love of cars home with him to his own garage on many occasions. He also loved fishing, deer hunting, and playing with his

grandchildren. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends. Services will be held this Tuesday at Jones and Sons funeral home at 6


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Direction: read the following obituary and answer the questions


Practice 1

a. What is the name of the dead person? b. Where did she die?

c. How many children does she have? d. What is her late father’s name? e. Where was she be buried?

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Practice 2

Direction: read the following obituary and answer the questions follow


a. What is the other name for the late White Walter? b. How old was Heisenberg when he died? c. What made Heisenberg die?

d. What is Heisenberg?

The Obituary Exercise In the space below, write your obituary – what you would want written about you when you have passed away many, many years from now.

Write whatever comes to mind, even if it feels like stream-of-consciousness. Use words, phrases, sentences. Don’t over-think this

exercise. Do not edit, censor, analyze or critique your thoughts. Take 10-15 minutes to complete this exercise. You can re-visit this exercise again in the future, so do not try to perfect your answer now.

Questions you should ask yourself as you do this exercise: a. What and/or who did you impact or change? Why?

b. What character traits and values did you consistently demonstrate over your life? At your

c. core, who were you?

d. Who did you care for? How did you impact or change this person/these people?

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e. What were major accomplishments in your life? At the ages of 40, 50, 60, 70?

f. What did you show interest in? What were you passionate or enthusiastic about?

g. What was your legacy?

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Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd.

Nurul Laili, M.Hum


After finishing this unit, students will be able to:

Identify the definition of a memo Identify the way to preview and predict the content of a memo

Before going further, answer the following questions and discuss the following questions with a friend next to you. You can share your opinion and experience to support the answer.

a. What is a memo b. Have you ever made a memo?

c. What are the characteristics of a memo?

Memo is a short message, usually used for internal communication in a business. In writing a memo, one should be brief and clear, since readers need the information as quickly and clearly as possibly. Memo

itself is used to give instructions, announce some policies and information, delegate responsibilities, and many more.

Now, how about the structure of a memo, then? A memo usually has these elements:

1. Who writes the memo

2. The date when it is written 3. Who the memo is written for

4. The subject 5. The paragraph(s)


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Example of a memo:

How to Organize a Memo?

Use a clear subject line. State your purpose in the first paragraph.

Summarize any potential objections. Keep the paragraphs short. Use subheads between paragraph groups.

Use bulleted and numbered lists. Request action

(Mitchell Ivers, Random House Guide to Good Writing. Ballantine, 1991)

Now, do different exercises. You will begin to make prediction of different story.

Practice 1

1. Read the example above, what are the essential aspects written

in memo? 2. What are the characteristics of a


3. From the example above, what do you think the function of a


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Practice 2 (Previewing – Predicting)

As what you have already learned, previewing is the process of

gathering information to predict about what will happen. Examine the memo below and predict what will happen after the employees read it!

Which of the following ideas could you find in the memo above ?

Yes No 1. This is the first time the workers are fired ……. ….. 2. The company does not gain a huge profit ……. …..

3. The workers are fired because of their poor Performance ……. …..

4. Eight people will be jobless by the end of the year ……. …..

Practice 3


1. What do you think about this memo? Is it clear enough? Why do you think so?

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2. In your opinion, what will Mr. Zainal Abidin do on February 7th? How about the director?

3. Paraphrase the memo above in a good paragraph!

Practice 4

Scan the memo above and answer these questions! 1. Does it have a clear subject line? Why do you think so?

2. What is the main purpose of this memo? 3. When does the change come into effect?

4. Does it request action? What is it? Prove your answer! 5. Paraphrase the memo above into a good paragraph!

1. You are the owner of Progressive Edge Financial Services who creates the

advertisem*nt above. A customer comes to you and

asks you to help him. Create a memo for one of your worker to finish the task

given based on the advertisem*nt!

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2. You are one of the members of the California State Assembly who

received the memo above. Create a letter to your best friend / family member about the problem above and tell him / her about your reaction!

3. You are a company owner facing an internal problem related with your employee’s behavior at work. Create a memo based on that


1. At home, find out some examples of memo and analyze them. Bring

them to the class the next day for you to share.


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Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd. Nurul Laili, M.Hum


After finishing this unit, students will be able to:

Identify the definition of public notes Identify the types of public notes

Discuss the following questions with a friend next to you. You can

share your opinion and experience to support the answer.

1. What do you know about public notes? 2. What is the function of public notes?

I. Definition of a public Note

Public notes are widely disseminated through broadcast media such

as newspapers, radio, television. Public notes can also be seen in open

spaces area where people are around. These notes are meant to let people know about some information. The followings are some examples

of public notes.

II. Kinds of Public Notes

A. Notice/Guidance The Functions of notice/guidance:

1. Prohibition notifies people not to do something. People may find this kind of notice in a public places.

2. Caution or warning warns people to be careful in handling

something. Ignoring the notice may cause injury or breaking the facilities.

3. Guidance gives information to people to do something appropriately.

4. The informational notice provides information that could be useful for people.


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B. Announcement

Announcement is a noun, in bahasa Indonesia, it means” pengumuman”. It is derived from a verb” to announce” means mengumumkan. In other words, announcement is something spoken,

written, or printed to give information to public.spoken announcement commonly begins with “ ATTENTION PLEASE” while written

announcement commonly begins with the title or to whom the announcement is targetted.

Announcement is a text which function to provide complete and clear information about certain events or occasion. In other words, it is a public statement about something that is happening or going to happen.

Announcement may be appeared in newspaper, magazine, public place or other public spaces. The examples of announcement are Press Release in

newspaper, booklet, catalog, form or notice that announces a specific opportunity to apply for a grant.

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a. The structure of Announcement : The title or type of event

Date and time Place Contact person

b. The functions of announcement :

To make a meeting News from people died A competition

News of a new born baby Etc.

c. There are some characteristics of announcement:

Straightforward and ease the readers to get information quickly

Keep it short, inviting, and to the point. Clear and complete

For a bad news, make a direct and no-nonsense statement.

C. Poster

A poster is any large piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both

textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly textual. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes, and

they are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films) to communicate a message.


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Practice 1 Instruction: Read some short funcional texts below and answer the

question following



On 28th of August, the school will hold a school trip to Nimaira beach

Departure time : 07.30 a.m.Programs : Morning swimming, games, volley ball:

polo in the sea view restaurant, afternoon walk along the beach to the lagoon : watch the music festival at the beach.

Fee : Rp 50.000,00 Contact person : Reza



1. What is the announcement about?

a. It is an information about a trip that a school want to have b. It is an information about golden sands beach

c. It is an information about the students who want to take a trip to a beach

d. It is an information about a trip that a school has done

2. All of these are true based on the above announcement except.

a. Students should pay Rp.50.000 for the trip b. Students who want to get further information have to contact Reza c. Inkesari is the person in charge of the program

d. The trip is free for students in that school

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All students of class Ten-1, are supposed to gather in the school yard on Saturday, August 4th 2007 at 8 a.m. for practicing flag ceremony.

Please be on time.

Chairman 3. What does the above announcement require?

a.students except class Ten-1 are required to gather at the school yard b.Students are gathered to play games

c.Students should not gather at the school yard as there is an important ceremony

d.students can be late for practicing

Questions 4-5 refer to the following notice:

There will be an earthquake drill on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 from

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Everybody will be instructed to leave the building through the emergency exit stairways. All elevators will not operate at that time. Once the alarm is sounded, all those inside the

building should immediately get out.

4. What is the notice about? a. A safety exercise. b. A new evacuation system.

c. An earthquake alarm. d. A problem with the elevators.

5. What are the building occupants expected to do?

a. Shut off the elevator.

b. Remain calm all throughout. c. Avoid using the stairs.

d. Vacate the building.

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Questions 6-8 refer to the following notice:

“How We Become What We Are”

A Seminar on Human Genetics The seminar will be held on Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 9:00-12:00

noon, at the Conference Hall of the Carl Hogan Science Building, 202 University Road, Stanford, Northern California. Our guest speaker will be

Dr. Amelia Lockhart from the Department of Biological Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. For reservations,

call the Administration Office of Stanford University at 465-27-29 before November 19. There is no registration fee but reservation is a must. Snacks will be served. Check our website at


6. What is the subject of the seminar?

a. Humanities. b. Heredity.

c. Technology. d. Biochemistry.

7. How long will the seminar be? a. Four hours.

b. Three hours. c. Two hours. d. One hour.

8. Where will the seminar be held?

a. Massachusetts Institute of Technology b. Cambridge University. c. Cornell University.

d. Stanford University.

Questions 9-11 refer to the following notice: Get ready for our team-building exercise!

On Thursday, December 3, 2009, the company will hold a whole-day team-building exercise at the Claremont Beach Resort in San Diego.

The activities in the morning will be done in the following order: bounty-hunting, tug-of-war, boat-building, and team relay. After lunch, we will do puzzle-solving exercises in separate groupings.

We are doing these exercises to promote the following skills in the organization: creativity, innovation, flexibility, and teamwork. The full

participation of everyone is encouraged. Assembly will be at the campus cafeteria. We will have breakfast

there at 6:30 a.m. and the company bus will leave at exactly 8:00 a.m. Casual dress and sports get-ups are musts. We will have lunch and snacks at the beach resort.

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9. What is the first activity of the day? a. Boat-building.

b. Tug-of-war. c. Team relay. d. Bounty-hunting.

10. What should participants bring?

a. Snacks. b. Casual clothing. c. Lunch.

d. Crossword puzzles.

11. What is the purpose of the activity? a. To improve employee well-being. b. To come up with new product ideas.

c. To foster company loyalty. d. To improve company teamwork.

Questions 12-14 refer to the following announcement:

Film Lovers Earnestly Needed!

The Starburst Film Festival is a 15-day event held every year during the second week of February. This year we are holding it from February 14-28, 2010. This festival is run entirely by volunteers. We urge you to share

your time and talent for this event by joining many of Louisiana’s film-loving people!

Pre-festival activities

From January 3 to 17, we need volunteers for the following committees: research of relevant films, film selection and classification, and sourcing of film material. From January 18 to 30, we need volunteers to preview

the preselected films, organize the sequence of film showings, plan advertising and publicity for the film festival, and do the actual

executions of festival advertising and publicity. Festival proper

During the festival proper, we need volunteers for these committees: registration, welcoming of guests and festival attendees, and day-by-day

coordination of the film festival activities. Post-festival activities

After the festival, we need volunteers for these committees: return of films to their owners, and preparation of the festival’s income-and-loss

statement. Volunteer registration

Volunteers are requested to register with the Starburst Film Festival, Tel. 800-365-2800 no later than January 2, 2010.

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12. When is the first day of the film festival? a. January 2.

b. January 3. c. February 14 d. February 28.

13. What is the purpose of the announcement?

a. To solicit sponsorships. b. To get film exhibitors. c. To invite volunteers.

d. To publicize an event.

14. How many committees can one choose to join from January 3 to 17? a. Two. b. Three.

c. Four. d. Five.

15. What does the information mean?

a. We are not allowed to enter the area.

b. We are allowed to enter the area.

c. We have to enter the area.

d. We do not enter the area.

16. What does the following text mean?

Students … wear face shield, gloves

and apron when they add water or

acid to batteries.

a. may

b. have to

c. mustn’t

d. shouldn’t

17. We will find the above kind of instruction in the following places,

except …

a. at home

b. at school

c. in the office

d. along the street

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18.Look at the traffic sign! It means …

a. the road is winding

b. the road is slippery

c. the car may not enter this street

d. there are a lot of winding turns

19. Where do we possibly find such kind of


a. In the garage

b. In the kitchen

c. In the living room

d. In the dining room

20. Where can you possibly listen to this announcement? a. On a plane

b. On the bus c. On the road

d. On the train

At home, find out some examples of public notes that you can find

around you. Stick them in a plain paper and bring them to the class the next day for you to share.

Attention please, the plane is going

to take off, please fasten your


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Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd.

Nurul Laili, M.Hum

OBJECTIVES After finishing this unit, students will be able to:

Identify the definition of personal letter Identify the characteristics of personal letter

1. Have you ever written a letter? To whom?

2. Have you ever received a letter? 3. Can you mention the form of a letter?

4. Without concerning about the time that you need to send it, which one do you think is the best, an email, a letter, or a short message (SMS)? What is your reason?

I. Definition of a Personal Letter

Since 18th century, personal letter has been a tool of personal communications between people. Even nowadays, when telephone and

internet to send email can be found everywhere, people still send letter to their families, relatives, even friends. So, what is a personal letter actually? Personal letter is a type of letter which concerns more about

personal matters rather than professional ones. A personal letter is usually sent by one individual to another person or an organization. It is

different from the formal types, since it can be used to express personal feeling which depend on the relationship between the sender and receiver.

II. Parts of Personal Letter

So, how about the form of this type of letter? A personal letter usually consists of:

1. Address

The address could be the address of the one who writes the letter or the one who receives it.


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2. Date The date is mostly displayed on the right side of the page.

3. Salutation and greeting The salutation formats normally applied are: Mr. : for a male

Mrs. : for a married female Miss : for an unmarried female

Ms. : for a female whose status is unknown or who prefers to remain anonymous

4. The body of the letter

5. The signature It is usually followed by the sender’s name

III. Types of Personal Letter

There are some examples of types of personal letters that people usually write to others. Those kinds of letters are:

1. Happy-news letters : this type of letter is usually sent for birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and many other happy occasions.

2. Correspondence letter : this kind of letter has a function to

keep people in touch with the members of family, relatives, or friends.

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3. Letter of introduction, initiating a relationship, or observing the etiquette of introduction.

4. Personal letters of appreciation following a death in the family or sent in response to acts of kindness.

(Sandra E. Lamb, How to Write It: Complete Guide to Everything You'll

Ever Write. Ten Speed Press, 2006, cited from

The next reading strategy is maing an inference. The process of

putting pieces of information together so that they make sense is called

making an inference. In other words, when you “infer” something, you are drawing an unstated conclusion from the information that you

already have. Success at making inferences depends on the background

knowledge and the facts given in the text. Logical reasoning will help you

to make inferences about ideas or concepts that the author has not directly stated. Thus, while you are reading, look at the important details

and think of them as clues or evidence that will support your inferences or conclusions. Look at the example below to try to find clues in the facts given and use

these to make inferences.

Situation: Mike is a student in Professor Brown’s biology class. Class starts at 9 a.m. It is now 9.15 a.m. and Professor Brown is speaking to the class. Mike opens the door and walks into the classroom.

Clues: Mike is a student in Professor Brown’s biology class. Class starts at 9 a.m.

Mike walks into the classroom at 9.15 a.m. Inference: Mike is late for class.

IV. Other Types Of Letters

1. Application letter

Have you ever heard about job application letter? This kind of letter is meant to apply for a job, usually sent with a resume.

Here is the format of an application letter:

Contact Information

Name Address

City, State, Zip Code Phone Number

Email Address


Employer Contact Information (if you have it) Name

Title Company

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Address City, State, Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you don't have a contact)

Body of Application Letter

The body of your application letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an

interview, and how you will follow-up.

First Paragraph The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the job you are applying for and where you found

the job listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one.

Middle Paragraph(s) The next section of your application letter should describe what you have

to offer the employer. Mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you are applying for. Remember, you are interpreting your

resume, not repeating it.

Final Paragraph Conclude your application letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow-up.

Complimentary Close



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Example of job application letter:

2. Business letter Have you ever read about business letter? What is it actually? A

business letter is a formal communication from an organization to its

customers, another company, or the Authorities. It is often written in a standard format and formal language, compared to a private letter

between two people who know each other. In general, the letter will be directed to a specific person or organization and about one topic. Sometimes, business letter will be looking for a response, although it

also might give important information about an up-coming change of address or telephone number. Moreover, the letter might give

information about new developments - a new website; launch of a new product.

Nowadays, E-mail might be a quick and helpful mean of

communication. Nevertheless, people still prefer to use printed

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business letter to convey important information. The language used here is a friendly one, but still professional.

Here is the format of a business letter: Date: Use month, day, year format, e.g., March 3, 2012 or 3 March 2012

Sender's Address: It is a good idea to include sender's email and url, if available. Don't include this information if it's already incorporated into

the letterhead design. This will allow customers to find your small business more quickly. Inside Address: Use full name. Mr./Ms. is optional

Salutation: Be sure to use a colon at the end of the name, not a comma as in personal letters

Body Text: State why you are writing. Establish any connection/mutual relationship up front. Outline the solution, providing proof in the way of examples and expert opinions. Group related information into paragraphs

Closing "Call to Action": State what the reader needs to do and what you will do to follow up

Signature Block: Sign your letter in blue or black ink Enclosures: Use if you have an enclosure Carbon Copy: Use if you are sending a copy to additional person(s)

Example of business letter:

3. Resignation letter

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How about resignation letter, then? Resignation letter is used when resigning from employment, whatever the reason. Here is the example

of resignation letter

Practice 1 (Previewing – Predicting)

1. Examine the letter and predict the content of the

letter after that paragraph! 2. Reading the paragraph

above, what do you think about the relationship

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between the writer of the letter and Irene?

3. Which of the following ideas could you find in the letter above ? Yes No

a. The writer knows nothing about teaching ……. .……..

b. Irene seems to love children ……. ……... c. A good teacher of elementary students is a patient

person ……. ……...


Practice 2 Read the letter below and answer the questions!

1. What kind of letter is it?

2. What is the letter about? 3. From the letter above, what do you know about Maya? 4. What do you think about Aditi?

5. What do you think the relationship between Maya and Aditi? Do they communicate often?

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Practice 3 1.

2. 15 Queensberry St. Carlton VIC 3053


August 1st, 2000 Maria Lee Electra Street,

Abu Dhabi

Dear Maria, Hi, how are you? Glad to know that you enjoy your holiday there.

Do you by any chance meet a lot of fans there? I hope they wouldn’t give you trouble. My job here is great, since I have some helpful friends here in my office.

I heard that your band is going to have a concert next month, which means that you have to go back here in a week or two. Don’t

worry, I’ll try my best to watch your concert. There is no way that I am going to miss it. Anyway, I heard that you are going to get married with Andrew. Congratulation! You should tell me the detail when we

meet then. Yours sincerely,


Read the letters above and answer these questions! 1. Read the contents of those letters carefully and paraphrase them

into a good paragraph! 2. Who is Maria? What is the relationship between Maria and Aelia? 3. What do you think about Aelia’s job? How about Maria’s?

4. Where do you think they come from? 5. You have already learned about some types of personal letters, how

about the ones above?

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Practice 4

Here is a postcard from a friend. The postcard was damaged so you can’t read the postmark or the first line. Read the postcard and discuss the questions that follow with your classmates.

iful, charming place. Not much of a nightlife in this area though. I wish there

was at least a night market. Everyone here is friendly and polite. We’re surprised that they all speak good English. Now we’re heading south back

to the capital city. The scenery is just lovely. You should see Jacob with his camera! He’s taken hundreds of pictures.It’s sad that we have to leave

the Land of smiles in in a few days but it will be good to return home and see you again.

Miss you. Edward

QUESTIONS 1. Which country did the sender go to on vacation? How can you tell?

2. How can you tell that the sender is not in the USA? 3. What can you tell about the writer who sent the postcard and the

person he is traveling with? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Practice 6 Instructions: Study the facts from each situation. Underline the clues to

help you make a logical inference or draw a reasonable conclusion. Do not read the following passage until you finish the one before.

1. Situation: The ticket line for the flight to Kuala Lumpur was long. Ploy was standing in line ahead of Chai. The ticket agent

sold Ploy the last ticket. Inference:

__________________________________________________________ 2. Situation: Chai stood at the window, watching the flight to Kuala

Lumpur depart with Ploy on board. He desperately needed to get to Kuala Lumpur that night. However, there were no more flights available until the next morning. Half an hour

passed as he sat in the passenger hall of Suvarnabhumi Airport, wondering what to do. Suddenly, Ploy walked down

the hall, waving to him.

Bella swan 14

Palomino St, Juarez,

TX 78216 USA

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Inference: __________________________________________________________

3. Situation: Ploy explained that one engine of the plane had caught on fire and they were forced to return to Bangkok. The crew was now getting another plane ready to go to Kuala

Lumpur. Although the flight to Kuala Lumpur had originally been full, there were many seats available now. Some

passengers had missed their connections, while others decided not to fly at all. However, Chai was not afraid.



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practice 7

Questions 1-2 refer to the following letter:

Ms. Joanna Wallace

Chief Finance Officer

Cooper Trading Corp.

I am pleased to recommend Mr. Alfred Engels for the position of

apprentice trader. Mr. Engels was my student in Marketing at the

University of Missouri. He excelled not only in academics but also in

leadership, particularly as student council chairman. He was a member of

the College Honors Society.

Mr. Engels has strong persuasive skills and a very positive work outlook--

qualities that should make him a valuable member of your organization.

With my best wishes,

Charles B. Kettering

1. What is not mentioned as a strength of Alfred Engels?

a. Trading experience.

b. Scholarship.

c. Leadership exposure.

d. Persuasiveness.

2. What is the purpose of the letter?

a. To explain a trading procedure

b. To reprimand an employee.

c. To recommend a person for a job.

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d. To apply for a new position.

Questions 3-4 refer to the following letter:

To: [emailprotected]

From: [emailprotected]

Subject: Verification of Order

Dear Ms. Roberts:

About our telephone conversation this morning, I would like to confirm

your order for the following:

10 kg. Australian Butter

8 kg. Ultima Low-Fat Margarine

6 kg. Keat’s Apple Juice

6 kg. Sola Orange Marmalade

Please expect delivery within tomorrow afternoon.


Albert Finnegan

Manager, Prima Food Store

3. How was the order made?

a. By fax. b. By e-mail. c. By phone.

d. By post.

4. Which item was not ordered? a. Marmalade b. Applesauce.

c. Margarine. d. Butter.



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Questions 5-6 refer to the following letter: Institute of History

Texas State University Fort Worth, TX 76244

December 7, 2009

Ms. Alice Cummins Chief Librarian

Amherst University Amherst, MA 04101

Dear Ms. Cummins:

I would like to order photocopies of the following doctoral dissertations from your library:

Title Date No. of Pages

“Florida’s Role in the Fishing Strike of 1908” 1990 65 “Effect of Louisiana’s Geography on the War of 1864”1985 48 “American Civil War: From Maryland to Atlanta” 2000 58

“The Saga of the American Confederacy State” 1998 80

My personal check for $25.80 is enclosed to cover the cost of the reproductions.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours, Artemis Hudson

Professor, Texas State University

5.What are being purchased? a. Academic researches.

b. Magazine articles. c. Rare books.

d. Newspaper features.

6. How will the orders be paid?

a. By bank draft. b. By credit card.

c. By check. d. By wire transfer.

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7. In what year was the document with the most pages published? a. 2000

b. 1998 c. 1990 d. 1985

8 What is the job of Mr. Artemis Hudson?

a. Reporter. b. Researcher. c. Writer.

d. Teacher.

September 8, 2009

Mr. Robert S. Torricelli Executive Director

Foundation for European Writers

Dear Mr. Torricelli: I am writing to thank you for the interview you granted me yesterday on

such short notice. Your views about the effects of globalization on the writing craft has certainly enriched the material that will form the basis

for my article in the Corriere della Sera newspaper. I am particularly grateful to you for providing me with very informative

material about the situation of European writers in the face of the emergence of the European Economic Community. This weekend, I will

be watching the set of documentary films you lent me on the plight of the Italian and French writers during World War II. I will be returning the

videotape to you on Monday as promised. Once again, thank you for all the assistance you have extended to me!

Sincerely yours,

Anna Sperling

9. How would you describe Mr. Torricelli?

a. Assertive. b. Helpful. c. Determined.

d. Accurate.

10. When did Anna interview Mr. Torricelli? a. September 6.

b. September 7. c. September 8. d. September 9.

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11. What is Anna’s job? a. Director.

b. Librarian. c. Writer. d. Consultant.

To: "The Shoe People" <[emailprotected]>

Cc: From: "John Trimbald" <[emailprotected]> Subject: Customer Complaint

To Whom it May Concern,

I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the

boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty.

The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.

Thank you, John Trimbald

John Trimbald, Foreman, JT Construction

The Shoe People 22 Circular Rd. Castlerock, Northern Ireland

BT51 6TP

John Trimbald JT Construction

22 Mark Lane Rd. London, England EC3R 4BT

January 3rd, 2008

Dear Mr. Trimbald, Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled

black workboots. A representative will be by your office next week to pick up the damaged boots. We apologize for any inconvenience this has

caused you and your crew. Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray. In our retail stores, this spray is always

recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should have

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12. Which company was unsatisfied?

a. Stan Mason's company. b. The Shoe People. c. JT Construction

d. The sole company.

13. How many people are on John Trimbald's crew? a. Four. b. Five.

c. Six. d. Twelve.

3. What is the spray used for?

a. To protect the boots from water.

b. To protect the soles from heat. c. To protect the floors from soles.

d. To protect the boots from rubber 4. What should John Trimbald do if he remains unsatisfied?

a. Return just the spray. b. Call the President.

c. Mail another letter. d. Request a refund.

1. Divide the students into some groups! Each group consists of 3-4

persons. Each group should pick one of these themes:

Fear - Happiness - Sadness

Each student should write a letter to his/her member of group, which

theme is related to the one that his/her group already picked before.

2. Write a letter for your teacher. Tell him / her anything about your


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Davis, Colleen. Advertising and Marketing:Five qualities that your brochures

should have.


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Anonymous. ___. Writing an Effective Business Letter. (online). Retrieved from

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Anonymous. 2012.Experiential English. Reading supplement. Retrieved from on August 2014

Bryan, Martin. 1997. Document Analysis and Information Modelling. (online).Retrieved from

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Carilo, Jose. _____ Retrieved From, on July 13, 2014

Dewa. Learning English through reading. Retrieved from on August 2014

Doyle, Alison. ___. Job Application Letter Examples : A – Z List. (online). Retrieved from

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Maulidian, Insan. 2013. Make Memo. (online). Retrieved from ( on August

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Retrieved from h shortfunctional text-announcement/articles retrieved on 19 Agustus

2014 Nordquist, Richard. ___. Memorandum (Memo). (online). Retrieved from on September 3, 2014

Nordquist, Richard. ___. Personal Letter (Composition). (online). Retrieved from

http :// on August 11,

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Short Functional Text. Retrieved from qualities-that-your-brochures-should-have-uoluuo.html on August 2, 2014

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Wikipedia. 2014. Public Notice.from on August 2014

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Accomplishment - achievement

Acquainted – make something becomes familiar Application - a form used in making a request Authorities - persons in command (government)

Compelling-having a powerful and irresistible effect Convey – suggestion; appearance

Covert- concealed; secret; disguised Deceased - death Delegate – entrust to another

Derived – received; obtained Display – to show

Disseminated – spread abroad Distinct – distinguishable; separate Impressed – to affect deeply; to gain the interest

Instill – to impart gradually Leaflet- a printed sheet for free distribution

Merit-excellent; worth Orbituary – the announcement of someone’s death

Persuasive – tend to persuade Policy - procedure Prohibition – an order to stop; forbid

Salutation – the word or phrase of greeting Straightforward – direct; precise

Succinct – concise; not wasting words Surrounded – enveloped; encircled Testimonial-something given as an expression of gratitude

Vying- competing; contending Resign- quit

Resume- curriculum vitae

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Accomplishment,17 Acquainted,3

Application,39 Authorities,40 Compelling,2

Convey,2 Covert,11

Deceased,17 Delegate,22 Derived, 28

Display,37 Disseminated,27

Distinct,3 Impressed,11 Instill,2

Leaflet,2 Merit,11

Orbituary,17 Persuasive ,9

Policy,22 Prohibition,27 Salutation,37

Straightforward,28 Succinct,2

Surrounded,9 Tesimonial,11 Vying,3

Resign,42 Resume,39

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.