Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (2025)

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Essential oils are generally safe for babies, but not all oils are safe for use orally. Essential oils should not be used on babies younger than 3 months old, and aromatherapy can encourage their use. Some essential oils are safe for use with babies, such as Gentle Baby, a blend from Young Living formulated with Coriander, Geranium, and Palmarosa.

However, not all oils are safe for use with babies, and intentional care is required. Some oils are safe for applying to skin with proper dilution, while others are not. To ensure safety, it is important to take certain precautions, such as never using undiluted essential oils on a baby’s skin and keeping oils out of reach of children.

Young Living essential oils are high-quality and highly concentrated, so they are recommended against ingestion of their Plus oil range for babies and young children. However, when used cautiously and correctly, you can introduce your babies to essential oils safely. The Young Living Seedlings line of products helps you use oils safely with your baby.

Children are more likely to have adverse reactions to essential oils than adults, so it is important to know how to use them safely. Never use essential oils on newborns, as their livers and other organs cannot handle the oils, and you could cause damage to your baby.

In conclusion, essential oils can be beneficial for babies, but careful use and caution are necessary to ensure their safety.

📹 Is It Safe To Use Essential Oils Around Infants?

Pure essential oils are very strong and powerful. Please use caution when using essential oils around young children.

Is it okay to diffuse essential oils around babies?

Essential oils, a popular relaxation strategy, have been shown to reduce stress perception and cortisol levels. However, they are not safe for babies, according to Diane Hindman, MD, PharmD, a board-certified pediatrician, medical toxicologist, and registered pharmacist. To ensure safety, babies should wait 2-3 years before using essential oils around them. Essential oils are used for various reasons, including stress relief, anxiety management, and for promoting healthy skin and hair growth.

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (1)

Is lavender safe for babies to smell?

Essential oils are safe for babies, toddlers, and children if used properly and in accordance with specific guidelines. Lavender is a popular, mild, and gentle essential oil, but it is highly concentrated and potent, requiring extreme care. To use lavender, dilute it with carrier oil and perform a patch test to assess skin sensitivity. Apply a small amount to an arm or leg and leave for 24 hours. If any reactions occur, discontinue use and try again later.

Essential oils should not be used on newborns under 3 months, ingested by children, or applied to infants or children with asthma. It is also advised to avoid using essential oils on broken skin or infants with asthma.

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Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (2)

Is Young Living essential oils non toxic?

Young Living Vitality™ essential oils are a unique blend of essential oils designed for various uses, including topical/aromatic, dietary, and cleaning. These oils meet the Seed to Seal® promise and undergo rigorous testing for purity and safety. Traditional essential oils outside of the Vitality line are intended for topical/aromatic use, while Vitality oils are intended for internal consumption. This distinction allows Young Living and its members to freely share the dietary and culinary benefits of their oils.

A carrier oil is a vegetable oil like coconut or grapeseed oil that can be used to dilute essential oils (EOs) without diluting their effect. YL V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex is an excellent carrier oil for all applications, as it ensures comfortable application and prevents waste due to excessive application. However, vegetable shortening, butter, margarine, or petroleum derivatives should not be used as carrier oils.

Hot oils, which can cause a hot or burning sensation when applied to the skin, should be tested using a patch test. Applying 1-2 drops of EO to a patch of skin, such as the forearm, over 1-2 hours can help detect any noticeable reactions. If a hot or burning sensation occurs or a rash develops, V-6 carrier oil should be added as needed.

Can I diffuse Thieves in my baby’s room?

It is recommended that essential oils such as eucalyptus and rosemary be utilized in a diluted form, with a maximum of 30 drops per ounce of carrier oil. It is inadvisable to administer Thieves-type blends to children under the age of 10, and Immunity, a safer alternative, should be used instead. It is imperative to guarantee the safe utilisation of essential oils, with a dilution ratio of 10-12 drops per ounce.

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (3)

Can babies use Young Living essential oils?

Essential oils are a natural and safe way to introduce essential oils to babies. However, it is important to consult a health professional before using them, especially if your child is unwell. Young Living essential oils are highly concentrated and highly concentrated, so they should not be inhaled. However, when used cautiously and correctly, you can introduce essential oils to your baby’s skin. Young Living oils are high-quality, making them highly concentrated and powerful.

When applying essential oils to your baby’s skin, it is crucial to prioritize their sensitive systems and use heavy dilution alongside patch testing. Starting with a small amount on a single patch of skin is recommended, and it is also recommended to consult a health professional before beginning any oil introductions.

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (4)

Which essential oils are safe for babies?

Essential oils for newborns include scentless chamomile, Roman chamomile, Cardamom, Cistus, Black spruce, Fennel, fragrant Inula, Lavender fine, true Lavender, super Lavandin, Marjoram with shells, Palmarosa, Small grain Bigarade, Ravintsara, Saro, Tea Tree, and Ylang-Ylang. Eucalyptus radiata can be used for babies, but other types are prohibited. Thyme is also not suitable for very young children.

Essential oils for babies include fine Lavender, Small Grain Bigarade, Ravintsara, noble Chamomile, and Marjoram with shells. These oils can help relieve common pains, such as colds, sleep, nervousness, and colic.

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (5)

What is the Young Living essential oil scandal?

In 2014, Young Living hired counsel for an internal investigation into its importing practices, which led to the voluntary disclosure of violations of the Lacey Act of 1900 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 for illegally trafficking rosewood oil and spikenard oil. The company was subsequently fined $760, 000 in 2017 after pleading guilty to the charges. In addition to the fines levied, the company was placed on probation for a period of five years.

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In April 2019, a proposed class-action lawsuit was filed under the RICO Act, alleging that Young Living is an unlawful pyramid scheme. The suit was dismissed in 2021 for failing to adequately allege the claims made by the plaintiff.

The company’s founder, D. Gary Young, claimed that ancient herb extracts hold secrets of modern healing. However, the FDA warned three companies against marketing their products as Ebola treatments or cures. Young Living’s own website made claims that promoted products in such a way that the federal government would classify the products as drugs, according to the FDA. The FDA also sent warning letters to doTERRA and Young Living about oils. Young Living’s CEO was reprimanded for more than just consultants’ claims.

Several company employees and contractors harvested, transported, and distilled rosewood (Aniba roseaodora or Brazilian rosewood) in Peru and imported some of the resulting oil into the United States, through Ecuador. The importation of illegally harvested wood and timber products harms law-abiding American companies and workers and threatens forest resources around the world.

In summary, the company faced several legal issues related to its importing practices, including violations of the Lacey Act of 1900 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The company was fined $760, 000 in 2017 and placed on probation for a period of five years. A proposed class-action lawsuit was filed under the RICO Act in April 2019, alleging that Young Living is an unlawful pyramid scheme. The suit was dismissed in 2021 for failing to adequately allege the claims made by the plaintiff.

Why are influencers leaving Young Living?

Former Young Living retailer, Vining, has left the company after feeling that demonic forces were spreading “darkness” among its members. Melissa Truitt, a former seller, labeled the company a “cult” and accused it of spreading “demonic” propaganda through a New Age self-help book sent to its members earlier this year. Truitt urged Christians still working for Young Living to flee or risk their souls, stating that the company’s mission was bigger than money and day-to-day life, and that the company’s “satanic panic” was causing a “satanic panic”.

Are essential oils safe for babies to inhale?

Essential oils should not be used in the air or baths with babies due to their developing sinuses, lungs, and bodies. Companies often create blends with baby safety in mind, but it’s best to dilute them when possible. Undiluted oils should not be applied directly to the skin, as they can be harmful without proper dilution in carrier oils like coconut, almond, or olive oil. Dilutions for children range from 0. 5-2. 5, depending on age and size. Additionally, undiluted oils should not be added to baths, as they may irritate the skin.

Is Young Living Thieves oil safe for babies?

It is contraindicated to use rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils on infants and children. Before using these oils, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a medical professional, such as a doctor or pediatrician.

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (6)

What essential oils are good for baby colds?

The combination of eucalyptus (Radiata), lemon myrtle, cedarwood, and sweet marjoram has been demonstrated to be an effective remedy for the symptoms associated with the common cold and influenza. The scents are personal and may be utilized in a hush vaporizer or carrier oil for topical application to the skin. The most popular value pack is a set of five certified organic, Australian-made essential oils for $99, which includes a mist and a skin roller bottle.

📹 Is it safe to use essential oils around or on a baby?

You wanted to know about the safety of essential oils for babies, whether it’s used on your baby or whether you’re using it and…

Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (7)

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Are Young Living Essential Oils Safe For Babies (2025)
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